Viviane. Do you support the " reality" of NAMBLA.
The Rebel ( A) No.
Viviane. Antivaxxers and the religious who choose to let their children die rather than claiming and get reality care are claiming is real.
The Rebel ( A) No.
But what I actually wrote was a question. My question was:- Does a deliberate marketing of your thoughts make them a reality? And to help clarify that question I gave this illustration.
The fact is you chose that " icon" and your " username" to market your thoughts, so unless my observations are incorrect you are marketing your thoughts, and that makes your thoughts as Einstein would say " Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" a very interesting illusion. And each persons reality in my opinion is to be respected, not the power of the organisation, the media or the individual to confuse and corrupt other people to brilliant and sincere thoughts that may be wrong
So to clarify when I said " each persons reality in my opinion is to be respected" I was was referring to how an individual's opinion shouldn't be influenced by an organisation, the media or any individual friend to be confused and corrupted by other people.
So to reiterate:-
A . No I do not support NAMBLA
B. Nor do i support any religiouse, individual or organisation that would allow a child to die due to correct medical care.
But then again it's easy to part quote a paragraph or sentence and take it out of context. I learnt that from watchtower publications.
The Rebel.